List of Similes

Learn list of similes. A simile is a type of idiom. We use similes to compare things which are alike. Similes are used in everyday conversations, written works or compositions such as poems, essays, song lyrics, plays etc. because, they show typical qualities of creatures and things. Similes help you to convey the meaning of your message in an interesting, effective and a quick way.


List of similes and their meanings to show some distinctive qualities of creatures;




as agile as a monkey

very quick

as blind as a bat

completely blind

as brave as a lion

very brave

as busy as an ant

very busy

as calm as a cat

very calm

as crafty as a fox

very cunning

as devoted as a mother

very dedicated

as fast as a deer

very fast

as fat as a pig

very fat

as feeble as a child

very weak or delicate

as fierce as a lion

very ferocious

as frisky as a lamb

very energetic

as gentle as a dove

having a kindly or tender nature

as graceful as a swan

very elegant

as hairy as a gorilla

very hairy

as happy as a king

very happy

as harmless as a dove

very innocent

as heavy as an elephant

very heavy

as hungry as a hunter

very hungry

as industrious as a beaver

very active and hardworking

as like as two herring

identical or look alike

as loyal as an apostle

very trustworthy

as meek as a lamb

very timid

as playful as a kitten

very lively

as poor as a church mouse

very poor


List of similes and their meanings to show some distinctive qualities of things;




as black as coal

completely black

as brown as a berry

completely brown

as changeable as the weather

subject to change

as clear as a bell

very clear

as cold as ice

very cold

as dry as a bone

completely dry

as easy as ABC

very easy

as fit as a fiddle

in very good health

as flat as a pancake

completely flat

as fresh as a daisy

very fresh

as good as gold

very good

as green as grass

completely green

as light as a feather

very light

as alike as two peas

identical or look alike

as old as the hills

very old

as open as day

completely open

as quick as lightning

very quick

as regular as the clock

happens at exactly regular times

as right as rain

feeling completely well or healthy

as round as a barrel

completely round

as safe as houses

very safe

as sharp as a needle

very sharp

as smooth as velvet

very smooth

as soft as butter

very soft

as sweet as honey

very sweet


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