Insoluble and soluble materials

We can group materials into insoluble and soluble. Soluble materials dissolve in liquids whereas insoluble materials don’t dissolve in liquids. However, sometime we have to separate insoluble materials from some mixtures.
Insoluble and Soluble Materials - Rice Straining

For example, separating tea leaves from a mixture of tea or separating boiled noodles from water.

This lesson teaches you how to separate such insoluble materials from different mixtures.

How can we separate insoluble materials?

By sieving or filtering

Insoluble and soluble materials - Separating sand and gravel by sieving

Separating sand and gravel by sieving

Insoluble and soluble materials - Filtering sand from water
Filtering sand from water


What are the events that we need to strain or filter in our day today life?

  • To strain rice or noodles to separate it from the water
  • To filter a mixture of coffee made using ground coffee beans
  • To filter a mixture of tea made using tea leaves

Straining rice to separate from water

How can you filter a mixture of coffee made using ground coffee beans?

  • Put the ground coffee into a filter paper in a special holder.
  • Now pour hot water over the coffee.
  • The filter paper will allow the water and coffee solution to pass through into the cup, while the none dissolve coffee grounds are left in the filter paper.


Examples of insoluble and soluble materials

Regiform doesn’t dissolve in water, but it dissolves in petrol very well.
Also, stones don’t dissolve in normal water, but even granite can dissolve very slowly when they expose to acid rains for a long time. That is because water has become acidic.Following are some of the examples of insoluble and soluble materials in water.

Examples of insoluble materials

Insoluble and Soluble Materials - Sand
Sand is an example of insoluble material

insoluble and soluble materials example flour is insoluble
Flour is an example of insoluble material

insoluble and soluble materials example stones are insoluble
Stones are examples of insoluble materials

insoluble and soluble materials example gravel is insoluble
Gravel is an example of insoluble material


Examples of soluble materials


insoluble and soluble materials example soap is soluble
Soap is an example of soluble material


insoluble and soluble materials example salt is soluble
Salt is an example of soluble material


insoluble and soluble materials example sugar is soluble
Sugar is an example of soluble material